HKBA are in the process of transitioning from GameDay to Basketball Connect. Any child participating in our local competition will need to join a team; register with BNSW or renew their annual membership via Basketball Connect. It is important that you “claim” and merge your existing BNSW profile through Basketball Connect. If this is not done, a duplicate account may be created and you may be asked to pay the full annual membership again.

Players over the age of 18 are still able to register or renew their BNSW annual membership via GameDay.

Please follow the instructions below when using BasketballConnect for the first time.

● Select New User then New Participant registration.

● Choose who you are registering – yourself or family member (child).
● Enter your/your child’s basic information (based on who you are registering).
● If you have current membership on Gameday you will need to claim your existing profile. A warning will pop-up, please check if the information is yours and claim the profile.

● If registering a child you can choose whether to give them their own login or not & add multiple parents.
● Select the competition/program you are registering into then enter any further info.
● At this point you will be able to enter any discount code or government voucher code (Active Kids), then proceed to payment.
● Once you register you will receive an email with login information, you can use this to log into your profile or the Basketball Connect App to manage your details.