The 2024 Annual General Meeting of the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Basketball Association (HKBA) Inc. will be held on:

Thursday 27th June 2024 at 7:30 PM at the Brick Pit.

NB: A ZOOM link will be made available for the meeting should it be required (Information to follow for registered attendees)


  1. To elect the 2024 Office Bearer and Committee of the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Basketball Association Inc.
  2. The appointment of Auditors of the Association.
  3. To nominate potential Life Members of the Association.
  4. To transact such other business as the meeting requires and which is brought forward in conformity with the Constitution of the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Basketball Association Inc. For noting: no new notice of motion has been received by the Board Secretary for the AGM agenda. A matter for the incoming Board, regarding the opportunities for appointing directors, has been raised. No other business other than that has been stated on the notice shall be transacted.

Received nominations for the positions of:

  • Treasurer (1x 2 year appointment): Sheldon Tu
  • Committee Members (4x 2 year appointments available)
    • Michael Sun
    • Przemyslaw Anderson
    • Ian Sim
    • Richard McHutchison
    • Paul Godbold
    • Nick Palmer

Voting and the counting of Proxy Votes will be conducted at the AGM.

Only one proxy vote can be used per member. Junior members may appoint one parent or guardian per family to vote on their behalf. For further clarification on qualifications required, please refer to the Constitution 25th July 2023 which is available to members on the  (under Protocols and Policies) or please contact the Board Secretary, details are below:

Karen Mocatta (HKBA Secretary)
