Welcome to the first edition back of the ‘Stars in Stripes’
newsletter.This is a newsletter that is produced by the HKBA
Referee Coaching Panel. The Referee Coaching Panel has decided
to resurrect it as a regular bulletin for you, the referees
of HKBA.This newsletter will be produced monthly and will
have news and updates from HKBA Referee Coaching Panel, Basketball
NSW and Basketball Australia, plus other interesting snippets.
So be sure to read and keep up to date with all the news and
events throughout theyear, along with any rule clarifications,
quizzes, upgrades and interesting articles.
This is your newsletter, so if there is anything you would
like to see added, removed, topics covered, etc please emai l
Dean or call Vicki in the Hornsby Basketball Office on
(02) 9980 6255 and we will try and include as much as we can.Thank
you to all referees on the smooth transition into the new
stadium and be sure to keep up the good work.
Happy Whistling
HKBA Referee Coaching Panel